Tuesday, October 26, 2010

discuss your options

Are you looking for debt relief from the government? Hey, so did the financial institutions, it seems to have worked for them! But how about your debt relief? Can you legally never pay back 50% of your credit card debt? Think about the debt relief the government gave the banks. Billions of dollars spent to save a failing economy and it seems to be working.

Now the banks and credit companies are looking to settle accounts with consumers so they keep the cash coming in. The problem is that some consumers are thinking about filing bankruptcy and that will leave the credit card companies in the lurch and maybe back on the same destructive path they were on before the bailouts. So what's happening is the credit companies are accepting less and settling accounts so it's possible you could never pay back 50% of your credit card debt. Here are some tips:

~ Don't file bankruptcy. All those lawyers and legal ramifications of bankruptcy are not a good policy for your future. The credit card companies would rather you didn't file bankruptcy, either. They'll be left holding an empty bag while you get stuck with bad credit for the rest of your life. There are better ways to seek debt relief.

~ Debt Settlement - That's right, settle for less. In vogue now are debt settlement companies that will negotiate your debt with credit card companies. They are legitimate companies who will listen to your tale, discuss your options, and then go to bat for you with the credit card companies, possibly so you won't have to pay back 50% of your credit card debt.

~ Repair your situation - Filing bankruptcy is like destroying the house and having to rebuild from scratch. Debt settlement is more of a repair job, one that won't last as long and will make you feel like you've managed and handled your debt responsibly. Contact a debt settlement company for your debt relief option and talk it over. You'll be glad you did.

Debt settlement is a legitimate way to make a deal with your creditors and walk away only having to pay half of what you actually owe. If you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt and realistically can't pay it back then you might want to consider debt settlement.

To locate legitimate and reputable debt settlement companies in your state check out the following link:

Free Debt Advice(http://www.debtreliefemergency.com/)

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