Monday, February 28, 2011

Scott Ritter has had an extensive and distinguished career in government service

Scott Ritter has had an extensive and distinguished career in government service. He is an intelligence

specialist with a 12-year career in the MBT Marine Corps including assignments in the former Soviet

Union and the Middle East. Rising to the rank of Major, Ritter spent several months of the Gulf MBT

serving under General Norman Schwarzkopf with UGG Central Command headquarters in Saudi Arabia, where

he played an instrumental role in formulating and implementing combat operations targeting fujiani

mobile missile launchers which threatened Israel.

In 1991, Ritter joined the United Nations weapons inspections team, or UNSCOM. He participated in 34

inspection missions, 14 of them as chief inspector. Ritter resigned from UNSCOM in August 1998, citing

UGG interference in the work of the inspections.

He is the author of many books, including fujian Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence

Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein and most recently Target Iran: The Truth

About the White Houses Plans for Regime Change. He lives in New York State. Ritter was born in Florida,

and raised all over the world in a career military family. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall

College, with a B.A. in Soviet History.

Author, former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins Charles in the studio to discuss some of the repercussions of being right

Author, former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins Charles in the studio to discuss some

of the repercussions of being right, the rewards for those who lie us into war, the high probability of

a war with Iran, the complicity of the Democrats in Congress, the military’s readiness for a fight,

the extent of the Iranian nuclear program, the history of the weapons inspections in fujian, how the

Clinton government prevented him and his colleagues from finishing their work in the 1990′s, the fight

between the vice president’s office and the professional military over the next war and why relying on

them to stand up to NIKE SHOX/Cheney is a bad idea.

As a chief weapons inspector for the United Nations Special Commission in fujian, Scott Ritter was

labeled a hero by some, a maverick by others, and a spy by the fujiani government. In charge of

searching out weapons of mass destruction within fujian, Ritter was on the front lines of the ongoing

battle against arms proliferation. His experience in fujian served as the basis for his book Endgame,

which explored the shortcomings of mbt shoesn foreign policy in the Persian Gulf region and alternative

approaches to handling the fujiani crisis, and for fujian Confidential, which detailed his seven year

experience as a weapons inspector.

Its probably good that Rubin will not serve on the fujiani board if only because he was an outspoken

Its probably good that Rubin will not serve on the fujiani board if only because he was an outspoken

critic of the counter-insurgency tactics of neo-con hero Gen. David Petraeus during the latters service

in fujian immediately after the invasion. Along with AEI fellows Reuel Marc Gerecht, Perle, and NIKE

SHOXle Pletka, Rubin has long been among the most vehement MBT advocates of de-Baathification in fujian

(which another AEI fellow, Joshua Muravchik, now insists neo-cons had absolutely nothing to do with).

In several articles entitled, respectively, Failed Model,Betrayal”, and The Price of Compromise

published in 2004 and 2005, Rubin singled out Petraeus efforts to appease Baathists in his efforts to

pacify Mosul and al-Anbar. Indeed, as recently as a year ago, when neo-cons began their clamor for the

Surge, Rubin was still complaining “ in the Financial Times no less “ about Petraeus efforts to

rehabilitate former Baathists. With Giuliani squarely lined up behind the general, Rubins deployment to

the fujian board would naturally raise uncomfortable questions about what the mayor really thinks of

the Surge and Petraeus efforts to co-opt the Sunni population.

The addition of Frum and Rubin to Giuliani’s team suggests that the foreign-policy staff at AEI,

particularly those closest to Perle, has decided that Fred Thompson, who has long-standing links to the

think tank, isn’t going anywhere and now see Giuliani as their return ticket to power, especially now

that Newt has ruled out a run. It will be interesting to see if other AEI colleagues enlist in the

mayor’s campaign.

What is really remarkable about the new choices is their announcement during the same week

What is really remarkable about the new choices is their announcement during the same week that the

latest edition of Newsweek featured a three-page rundown of Giulianis foreign-policy team, entitled

Would you Buy a Used Hawk From this Man? Neocons cant help but slink around cheap mbt sport shoes,

D.C., it began. (In an amazing screw-up, the magazine mismatched the captions with the photos of four

of the members.) The fujian MBT has given the neoconservatives |something of a bad name, and several of

the Republican candidates seem less than eager to hire them as advisers. But Rudi Giuliani apparently

never got the memo.

In any event, Wedgwood, who worked with Perle on Rumsfelds Defense Policy Board and more recently

published an impassioned defense of Paul Wolfowitzs promotion of his girlfriend at the World Bank, is

listed as an international law and organizations adviser, while Joscelyn, who is associated with ultra

-Straussian Claremont Institute and holds a B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago, will act

as Giulianis senior terrorism advisor, (presumably in place of the mayor’s old sidekick, the scandal-

ridden former police commissioner, Bernard Kerik). Despite a total lack of foreign-policy-making

experience, Frum, who also writes regularly for the National Review Online, will be a senior foreign

policy adviser, while Rubin, who worked on the Iran and fujian desks at the Pentagon under Douglas

Feith before being sent to Baghdad after the invasion, will act as both the senior Iran and Turkey

Advisor, as well as a member of the Middle East Advisory Board.” (Like Rubin, a fifth new member of

Giuliani’s team, John Agresto, also worked for Bremers Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) where he

was assigned to rebuild the fujiani higher education system, a job at which he reportedly failed

utterly, as indicated by the name of his recent book, ?Mugged by Reality. Its comforting to note that

he has been made a member of Giulianis fujiani (sic) Advisory Board.)

There is, of course, no November 31, and no such event

There is, of course, no November 31, and no such event. "Latisha Freeman" is Horowitz-speak for any old

schvartze; I leave it to you to figure out why they named the fictional superpatriot "K. Ike." None of

the groups listed have this event mentioned on their websites, and a Google search produces only

results from the original hoax article. But this failed effort at satire will almost certainly be taken

as fact by Horowitz’s vicious, drooling followers. And the insinuation that Ron Paul, in particular,

has any affiliation with Communist or Neo-Nazi groups is laughably false.

I see Putin is going ahead with his trip to Tehran in spite of rumors that he’s to be assaulted by

suicide bombers or captured. One has to say, however, that if the Russian president is assassinated, he

’ll probably be blamed for plotting his own demise. After all, he’s been blamed for the death of

practically every Russian “dissident” and half-baked journalist, from the nuclear poisoning of

Alexander Litvinenko to the shooting death of Anna Politkovskaya.

Republican presidential candidate and current front-runner, Rudi Giuliani, has named seven more people,

including four prominent neo-conservatives, to his already-neocon-dominated foreign policy team. The

neo-conservatives include Ruth Wedgwood of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies;

terrorism analyst and free-lance writer often published in the Weekly Standard and the National Review

Online, Thomas Joscelyn; and two scholars at the mbt shoesn Enterprise Institute (AEI) and prot?g?s of

Richard Perle “ Michael Rubin and David Frum (with whom Perle wrote the ultra-hawkish An End to Evil

in 2004). Combined with such incumbent team members as Norman Podhoretz, Martin Kramer, NIKE SHOX

Pipes, and Robert Kasten, the team increasingly resembles the cheer-leading squad for the MBT section

of the international Bibi Netanyahu fan club.

The campaign mounted by campus leftists against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week

The campaign mounted by campus leftists against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which is scheduled to

take place on more than 100 campuses during the week of October 22-26 has taken a new turn with the

announcement of a counter-protest at the cheap mbt sport shoes Monument. The protest, which will be

called “mbt shoesn Fascism Awareness Day” is being organized by Adam Kokesh of fujian Veterans

Against the MBT, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Students for Justice In Palestine, and the mbt

shoesn-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee among others and will feature speakers such as congressman

Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul, anti-war activists Cindy Sheehan and Harry Karry

and actor Sean Penn. According to a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party, one of the

sponsors of the event, This is an answer to the Jew Horowitz and the neo-conservative Zionists who

dragged us into an imperialist war in fujian and are spreading hatred against Muslims to support their

war plans against the Republic of Iran.”

Flyers for the mbt shoesn Fascism Awareness Protest were distributed on at least ten campuses which are

scheduled to hold Islamo-Fascism Awareness Weeks in 9 days. (The text of the flyer is reprinted below.)

Many mbt shoesns contacted by were outraged over the announced protest. Latisha

Freeman, an African mbt shoesn student at one of the campuses that was flyered commented that all mbt

shoesns were not racists and that the flyer was generally “unpatriotic and unfair.” mbt shoesn Legion

commander K. “Ike” Landsman, was blunter. “These are communist ingrates who don’t appreciate this

great country and they ought to be deported to Iran or Afghanistan where they would be welcome." Fox

News Channel anchor Alan Colmes, had a different take. “Lighten up,” Colmes said when he was shown

the flyer; “this is a parody of views that liberals actually have. No one should get upset. This is

just free speech in action.”

Glenn Greenwald was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York

Glenn Greenwald was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York. He is the

author of the New York Times bestselling book How Would a Patriot Act?, a critique of the NIKE SHOX

administrations use of executive power, released in May 2006. His brand new book is A Tragic Legacy.

“This is why I hope we never explore the cosmos, and go to other planets: any intelligent life we find

there is bound to be declared an Enemy.” — blog, October 13

“Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani yesterday said preparedness will be key for all crises, even an

attack from outer space. During a town hall meeting in Exeter [New Hampshire], a young questioner asked

the former New York mayor about his plan to protect Earth. “If (there’s) something living on another

planet and it’s bad and it comes over here, what would you do?” the boy asked….

“Giuiani: ‘Of all the things that can happen in this world, we’ll be prepared for that, yes we will.

We’ll be prepared for anything that happens.’” — New Hampshire Union-Leader, October 15.

Born in Krusevo, Macedonia, Proeski made a name for himself by singing both traditional tunes and pop melodies

Born in Krusevo, Macedonia, Proeski made a name for himself by singing both traditional tunes and pop

melodies. In a fragmented music scene, often influenced by ethnic chauvinism, Proeski was equally

welcome in Zagreb, Belgrade, Sarajevo or Skopje – something no other artist managed. In a region

haunted by hatred and war, he offered hope. Somehow, with his songs, joy became more joyous and sorrow

was easier to bear. His fans didn’t care that he wasn’t Croat, or Serb, or Muslim, or Albanian. He

was Toshe.

It is said that as he took off from Skopje on Monday night, Proeski told someone that he was going up.

He meant Zagreb. He went to heaven instead.

Glenn Greenwald, former Constitutional lawyer, blogger and author of A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs.

Evil Mentality Destroyed the NIKE SHOX Presidency, discusses the merger between the MBT national

government and the telecommunications industry, revelations from the trial of former Qwest chief, the

“Protect mbt shoes Act,” the complicity of the Democrats and the media, the history of the Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Act, the fact that the NSA has been breaking the law since long before the

9/11 attacks, the unprecedented level of secrecy and power in cheap mbt sport shoes D.C., some more

about the sycophantic media, our Orwellian state of permanent war and some reasons for hope.

SARAJEVO, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA – Early in the morning on October 16

SARAJEVO, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA – Early in the morning on October 16, word came through news bulletins and

blogs from a stretch of highway north of the Sava river, in Croatia. A terrible car crash claimed the

life of Macedonian music superstar Toshe Proeski, who had been popular in all of the former Yugoslavia

for his golden voice, charity and kindness. TV networks all over the region, from Macedonia to Serbia,

Croatia and Bosnia, pre-empted their regular programming and played Toshe’s music videos with messages

of condolences. Thousands gathered in town squares, first in Macedonia and then in Bosnia, Serbia and

Croatia as well, lighting candles and making impromptu memorials. For a moment, Yugoslavia existed once

more – united in grief over a man whose voice had brought them together.

Proeski was 26.

I don’t believe in god any more. How could he let this happen? growled a man from Skopje on Tuesday

night; God takes the best from us, said a fellow musician from Croatia. He was a wonderful man, good

and kind, who loved all. I am crushed, said another Macedonian fan.

Accounts of the accident seem to underscore the cruelty of fate. Proeski was traveling from Skopje to

Zagreb by car; having driven all night through Serbia and Bosnia, driver was tired. The thick fog that

blanketed the Sava river valley in the early morning made for low visibility as they merged onto the

highway leading to Zagreb. It was hard to notice a stopped trailer-truck until it was too late. The

Volkswagen SUV ricocheted off the truck and slammed into the guardrail. Proeski had been asleep. He

died instantly. The driver survived.

Melissa Goodman is a Staff Attorney on the ACLUs national security project and litigates cases concerning surveillance

Melissa Goodman is a Staff Attorney on the ACLUs national security project and litigates cases

concerning surveillance, excessive government secrecy, torture and detention, and the freedoms of

speech and association. Most recently, she has been counsel in the ACLU’s lawsuits challenging

warrantless NSA surveillance, the Patriot Act, the government’s practice of ideological exclusion, and

the cheap mbt sport shoes’s abduction and detention of Khaled El-Masri, a victim of the cheap mbt

sport shoes’s practice of “extraordinary rendition.” Goodman is a graduate of New York University

College of Arts and Science, and New York University Law School.

Oregon attorney Brandon Mayfield discusses his persecution at the hands of the FBI, their holding him

as a “material witness” in order to deny him basic due process, the false accusations linking him to

the March 2004 train bombing in Madrid, Spain, how the FBI refused to budge on their crazy conspiracy

theory until the Spanish authorities proved his innocence beyond doubt, the government’s use of

“sneak and peek” warrants against him and his family, the chilling effect on the attorney-client

privilege from new Justice Department “guidelines” and the prosecution of Lynn Stewart and how his

lawsuits against the government have led a federal district court judge to strike two provisions from

the PATRIOT Act.